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Old World Map

     How shall they preach except they be sent? was the question the Apostle Paul asked the Romans.  The faith of the Roman church was spoken of throughout the whole world (Romans 1:8).  That local church had an influence and vision that stretched well beyond Rome itself.

     The early church, including that of Rome, learned to work together as one body with many members. Each member of the body is to fulfill its role to accomplish the purpose of the church. This is the method utilized to fulfill the commission of Christ to preach the gospel in all the world to every creature. Without the preacher they will not hear, nor believe.  The church makes it all possible by sending the messenger. 

     Likewise it is evident in Paul's writing to Rome in chapter 10,  that when one carries the Gospel, it is worth celebrating.

  • Thank God for Oklahoma churches whose faith is spoken of throughout the world.

  • Thank God we can "Partner in Missions" to send preachers of the Gospel in order that people around the world can hear the plan of salvation.

  • Thank God for churches which honor those Global Missionaries for carrying the Gospel to those who are afar off.

  • Thank God we know that OUR MISSION is THEIR MINISTRY.  We need each other.

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Oklahoma District Global Missions Director

Mark H. Parker

Oklahoma City, OK

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